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Custom Fields for Articles

OmniChannel Article Management Custom tab

These are the fields you can set on the Custom tab for a selected article in management.
To see the screen shot in a larger context go to overview.

You can assign a number of custom fields to use as you see fit. This include text fields, flags, and customizable drop down list selections. The labels next to each field can be customized as well to give them meaning.

The value of a custom list assignment can be dynamically added to the contents of an article by including a placeholder within the content where you want it to appear.The placeholders are:

There are other placeholders that can be dynamically resolved, including 'carousel' and 'multi-part-contents', as well as the ability to make up your own placeholders and resolve them through a bit of code placed in your website. View the Content Tab for more info. Also keep in mind that a number of the assignable attributes, such as author profiles, groups, and categories, each have custom fields you can use for any purpose (in addition to the standard fields). This results in a very powerful and flexible feature set.