June, 2016 by Graham Torpey
June, 2016 by Graham Torpey
May, 2016 by Michael V Khalsa
A purchase order is a list of products that you want to order from a single vendor. It includes all of the relevant details such as where to send the products to, a ship date, cancel date, terms, and even line item notes for products. When you are ready to receive products, it also encapsulates the receive vouchers and return vouchers (return vouchers can also be created outside of a purchase order). Of course you can print the purchase order or its vouchers read more
April, 2016
A recent report found the following 5 issues to be the top challenges facing retailers in the Omni-Channel Market:
1. Retailers do not have a single view of the customer across all channels
2. Inventory and order management are not integrated across all channels
3. Store systems are too difficult to change and adapt to an omni-channel strategy
4. Mismatches metrics and incentives slow acceptance
5. Retailers IT systems were not designed to incorporate customer insight across all channels.
May, 2016 by Graham Torpey
May, 2016 by Graham Torpey
June, 2016 by Graham Torpey
January, 2016
Learn more ways to optimize your business, in order to get new customers and to generate more business by taking advantage of OmniChannel Commerces integrated platform. read more